24 DECEMBER! "Merry Christmas"
<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
// This is the implementation of SimpleSwap
// by Jehiah Czebotar
// Version 1.1 - June 10, 2005
// Distributed under Creative Commons
// Include this script on your page
// then make image rollovers simple like:
// <img src="/images/ss_img.gif" oversrc="/images/ss_img_over.gif">
// http://jehiah.com/archive/simple-swap
function SimpleSwap(el,which){
el.src=el.getAttribute(which || "origsrc");
function SimpleSwapSetup(){
var x = document.getElementsByTagName("img");
for (var i=0;i<x.length;i++){
var oversrc = x[i].getAttribute("oversrc");
if (!oversrc) continue;
// preload image
// comment the next two lines to disable image pre-loading
x[i].oversrc_img = new Image();
// set event handlers
x[i].onmouseover = new Function("SimpleSwap(this,'oversrc');");
x[i].onmouseout = new Function("SimpleSwap(this);");
// save original src
var PreSimpleSwapOnload =(window.onload)? window.onload : function(){};
window.onload = function(){PreSimpleSwapOnload(); SimpleSwapSetup();}